PlatformQ Health Education (PQH Education) is pleased to announce we will be presenting two sessions at the upcoming 2018 Alliance Annual Conference January 21 and 22 in Orlando, Florida. The Alliance Annual Conference is the largest gathering in CME, bringing together professionals in continuing healthcare education from across the spectrum of organization settings. These two sessions align closely to the conference theme, Destination: Patient Outcomes. Our Journey to Improving Patient Care:
- Patient Engagement in Health Education Programming will focus on patient education design and delivery
- Enhancing Patient and HCP Education with Formative and Summative Qualitative Evaluation will center around outcomes and assessments
Complete abstracts for both programs can be found below, and we hope to see you at the 2018 Alliance Annual Conference. If you’re unable to attend but would like more information about how we engage learners with the right content and format, please contact Lauren Alford at
Patient Engagement in Health Education Programming
Monday, January 22, 2018 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Patients are unique learners. As such, drivers and deterrents with which CME professionals are familiar in regards to HCP learners are not easily transferrable to this emerging audience. As an industry with a growing focus on patient education, it is imperative to develop and expand best practices regarding patient inclusion and patient-centeredness for our patient-directed education programs. Through several case studies of patient-directed educational programs, we will explore successful ways in which patient learner have been engaged prior to, during and following educational interventions. Case studies will explore:
- the impact of pre-education question forums
- the inclusion of patient planners and patient advocates in content development
- patient-centered audience generation, including blogging and the use of social media
- thoughtful integration of social media channels for educational distribution, such as Facebook Live
- best practices in the use of live patient Q&A

Vice President CME Marketing
PlatformQ Health Education

VP Outcomes and Analytics
PlatformQ Health Education

Sr. Medical Director
PlatformQ Health Education
Enhancing Patient and HCP Education with Formative and Summative Qualitative Evaluation
Sunday, January 21, 2018 11:00 – 12:00 PM
Health, health care, and the environments in which clinicians and patients navigate are all incredibly complex. In order to study “change”, including its motivators and possible barriers, more than one perspective and approach to understanding are warranted. The cases which will be discussed during this session integrate qualitative research – specifically in-depth-interviews (IDIs), as tools used to unearth a comprehensive evaluation of experience and change.
One case will emphasize the integration of IDI’s as a tool in formative evaluation, a technique used to assess an activity while the content/program is still in development. A second case will illustrate the integration of IDI’s in summative evaluation, the more traditional technique whereby evaluators “look-back” at a completed program to assess its impact. The latter case will focus on a patient-education program and includes patients as research subjects.
The benefits of formative and summative evaluation and these qualitative approaches will be discussed, and learners will be encouraged to develop mock “proposals” of programs that can integrate IDI’s as an evaluative tool.

VP Outcomes and Analytics
PlatformQ Health Education

Thistle Editorial, LLC

Sr. Medical Director
PlatformQ Health Education