PlatformQ Health will be in Chicago for the 2019 ASCO Annual Meeting May 31 – June 4 and is pleased to have an abstract accepted for online publication for the 2019 meeting. This year’s abstract puts the patient front and center, demonstrating the impact of two video-based patient activities in Carcinoid Syndrome that were created with the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, with a focus on immediate and sustained gains in knowledge and behavior, as well as potential improvements in diagnosis, treatment, and patient quality of life.
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Senior VP of Education
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VP, Medical Education
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VP of Digital Education
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Director of Digital Education
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General Manager, Urology
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VP, Digital Solutions
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2019 ASCO Annual Meeting Online Abstract:
Video-Based Patient Education on Carcinoid Syndrome: Positive Knowledge and Behavior Shift for Patients
Background: Carcinoid syndrome (CS) negatively affects quality of life (QOL), compromising physical, daily, and emotional functioning. Reticence to discuss symptoms, particularly debilitating diarrhea, perpetuates negative QOL, as does confusion of CS symptoms with other conditions and dietary challenges. To address these needs, we created video-based patient education activities with the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) to empower patients with information and resources on CS facts, diagnosis, medical management, eating well and self-care.
Methods: Two 1-hour patient education activities were broadcast live online and on-demand in 2017 and 2018 at,, and Facebook Live for 6+ months. Features included panel discussions, slides, live polling and Q&A, and video vignettes of real patient experiences. Knowledge-focused test questions were administered at 3 time points (pre-activity, immediate post-activity, and 8-week [follow-up] post). Behavioral and communication-focused questions were also asked at follow up. Data from these questions, live poll responses, and learner-submitted questions pre-event and during live Q&A were analyzed to determine engagement, lessons learned and continuing patient needs.
Results: In total, 1,893 patients took part in the activities, and attracted 39,821 Facebook engagements (“views”). Respondents…
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